implementation and enforcement foreign judgment in iran

implementation and enforcement foreign judgment in iran
فهرست مطالب
اجرای رای خارجی

اجرای رای خارجی

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I am Khalil Asayesh ( iranian lawyer from the Tehran Bar Association with license number 21129) Thank you for choosing my site to use legal services. We would like to inform you that this site has been set up with the aim of improving the level of legal information, legal advice and solving problems of domestic and international law.

My specialty is in the field of international companies and contracts, I have experience in advocacy in international arbitration, as well as experience in enforcing foreign judgments in Iranian courts and courts outside Iran (including Germany, France, Turkey, UAE.and Oman), so I am ready to provide you with legal services in this regard.

Telephone contact and whats app numbers:
09124439719 Iran
00971521583759 United Arab Emirates ( whats app)
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 Rulings and documents applicable by foreign countries in Iranian courts

Article 169 Civil sentences issued by foreign courts are applicable in Iran if they meet the following requirements unless otherwise prescribed by law:
1. A decree has been issued from a country which, in accordance with its own laws, or contracts, sentences issued by Iranian courts in that country may be enforceable or reciprocal in the case of the implementation of the rulings..
2. The provisions of the ruling are not against the laws relating to public order or good ethics.
3 Enforcement of a decree opposed to international law signed by the Iranian government or not against special laws.
4. The sentence in the country that has been issued is final and enforceable and has not been valid due to legal reasons.
5. Iran’s courts have not issued a ruling against the foreign court’s ruling.
6. The investigation of the issue of the claim in accordance with Iranian law is not devoted to the Courts of Iran.
7 Rulings on Illegal Property Located in Iran and Its Rights.
8 Orders have been issued for the execution of the competent authorities of the issuing country.
Article 170: The authority requesting the execution of the sentence of the county court is the residence or residence of the defendant, and if the residence or residence of the convicted person in Iran is not known, the court is the city of Tehran..
Article 171, if the arrangement and conditions for the implementation of the sentence are prescribed in the treaties and contracts between the Government of Iran and the country issuing the decree, the same arrangement and conditions will be met..
Article 172 Of the execution shall be requested in writing and the name of the convicted and convicted and other details shall be stated in the application..
Article 173: The application for execution shall be attached to the following documents::
1. A copy of the copy of the foreign court’s ruling that the authenticity of its conformity with the original is certified by the political or consular officer of the country issuing the ruling with its officially certified translation into Persian.
2 Copy of the order to execute a decree issued by the competent authority relating to its certified translation.
3 Certificates of Political or Consular Representative of Iran in the Country from which the sentence was issued or the political or consular representative of the country issuing the sentence in Iran on issuance and ordering the execution of the sentence from the competent authorities.
4 Certificates of Signature of The Political or Consular Representative of a Foreign Country residing in Iran by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Article 174: The Director of the Office of the Court sends the same request and its apponties to the court, and the Court, in an extraordinary administrative session, reviews the application and its annexed documents, issues the acceptance of the request and the entry into force of the sentence, or, stating the causes and directions, declares the rejection of the request..
Article 175: The rejection of the application must be communicated to the applicant and he/she can ask for ten days of that research..
Article 176 of the Court of Reference for Research in an extraordinary administrative session will address the matter and, if the complaint is entered into by terminating the research vote, the demand for the implementation of the sentence will be issued and otherwise approved..
The court’s verdict will not be appealed.
Article 177 Of the documents regulated in foreign countries shall be applicable in accordance with the conditions prescribed for the implementation of the rulings of foreign courts in Iran, and in addition to the political representative or consul of Iran in the country where the document is set, it must attest to the agreement of the document with the laws of the premises..
Article 178 Foreign decrees and documents are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the implementation of civil decrees.
Article 179 is to investigate disputes arising from the implementation of foreign decrees and documents and the drawbacks that arise during the implementation, as well as the order for the seizure of executive operations and the annulment of the executive in a way that is mandated by the Iranian authorities. The court’s authority is in Article 170..
Article 180 of the Law on the Principles of Legal Trials adopted in 1950 and articles regarding the implementation of sentences in the Expedited Trials Act and other laws that are against this law are abolished.

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